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Daddy, how did people start exploring space? Can you please tell me about it?
Sure, but let me show you!
Path to the Stars
A History of Space Exploration
Let’s dive into the story of the most significant milestones in the history of space exploration. From the first human flight and the intense lunar race to international cooperation on the ISS.
Path to the Stars
first touch
of space
April 12, 1961
first touch
of space
The Commission approved the first ever assignment for a human space flight: "To perform a one-rotation flight around the Earth at an altitude of 180−230 ilometers, lasting 1 hour 30 minutes with a landing in a specified area. The purpose of the flight is to check the possibility f human stay in space on a specially equipped hip, to check the equipment of the ship n flight, to check the connection of the ship with the Earth, to make sure of the reliability of the means of landing of the ship and the astronaut."
Yuri Gagarin
Vostok 1
the first man
in space
flight lasted 108 minutes
moon race
moon race
The superpower competition and its significance
The United States and the USSR entered into an intense race to explore the Moon. This competition stimulated the development of science and technology, accelerating progress in the space industry.
The moon race led to the development of powerful rockets, precise navigation systems, and new materials that are still in use today. Without it, many advances in space would not have been possible.
moon landing
July 20, 1969
Neil Armstrong and the Apollo 11 mission
moon landing
ISS and joining forces in space
The International Space Station (ISS) has become a symbol of international cooperation. Astronauts from different countries work together to conduct scientific experiments and improve technology for future space missions.
The ISS is a laboratory in orbit where new materials, medical products and methods of survival in space are tested. It has proven that it is possible to work and live in space for a long time
inter-national coope-ration
inter-national coope-ration
international cooperation
Website creator:
designer and space fan
Anya Rukusueva
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